Augusto Figueroa, editor
Meet Augusto Figueroa, Hall Record’s newest editor of the 2021-22 school year, and laid back digital artist and aspiring engineer. This semester in journalism, Augusto hopes to step out of his comfort zone with writing as well as publicizing his work.
Q: What are you passionate about?
A: Games, cooking, music, and art. in terms of games, it’s mostly fighting games – Think like street fighter or mortal kombat. I really enjoy the player expression in these games, if you dont mind me nerding out, you can really tell who’s behind the controller just by watching them play for a while. And for art, I do digital art.
Q: What program do you use?
A: I use Clip Studio Pro, it came with my drawing tablet.
Q: What sort of stuff do you like to draw?
A: Mostly just characters, and scenery…landscapes, but mostly characters. Most of the characters I draw are either from the games I play or original ones that I use for dungeons and dragons.
Q: what are your post highschool plans?
A: I have no idea – probably just go to college get a degree in engineering or something before accruing massive amounts of college debt.
Q: Where do you see yourself in ten years?
A: I’ve never really thought about a 10 year plan. like I have a loose plan for the coming year or two regarding college and college life and all of that, but 10 years is a bit far.