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Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

Chase Hanawalt looking in to recieve a sign from his catcher

Chase Hanawalt, Editor

Chase Hanawalt, with multiple sports consuming his days, takes his chances with journalism and learns how writing can impact a person’s perspective. 

Q – What do you like to write about?

A -When I was younger I really enjoyed writing realistic fiction. There was this one story I wrote in fourth grade  about my friends and I getting trapped in a storm and getting sent to the past.  We ended up playing a baseball game with a bunch of past and current MLB stars,  so I really enjoy writing about realistic fiction.

Q – Why journalism?

A – I really like reading journalism about sports, and the breaking news reports from people like Shams Charania and Adam Schefter.  I think it’s so cool that they have inside connections with major professional athletes, their agents, and franchises.

Q – Where is your happy place? 

A – Baseball Fields. Everything else goes silent and I’m able to focus on one thing, it’s a special place.

Q – How do you stay calm in a stressful situation?

A – I like to listen to music and exercise. I really try to encapsulate my mind to limit distractions, and focus on bettering myself

All content by Chase Hanawalt