Idris Salehi
Idris Salehi. A 17-year-old Hall High School student who loves the gym and found his passion for business school. He is motivated to pursue business in college and further his knowledge about the financial world through journalism.
Q: What are the subjects you are passionate about?
A: I like journalism. I'm also passionate about business classes, like sports marketing. I took finance literacy as well.
Q: Do you have any hobbies outside of school?
A: Yeah. I go to the gym which is my main hobby besides hanging out with friends.
Q: What plans do you have for your future?
A: After high school, college, and then something in business. That's it for now.
Q: What do you think your strengths and weaknesses are School-wise or just in general?
A: I'm kind, caring and funny however, I might forget to do things sometimes or do them later then expected.
Q: What does journalism mean to you?
A: Well, it's like expressing yourself and talking about things you're passionate about.
Q: hat topics do you plan on writing about in this class?
A: I don't know so far, but I'm sure I'll find something.