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Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

Jayden posing in a toe stall.

Jayden Chan, Editor

Jayden Chan is a 17-year-old senior at Hall High School in West Hartford.  Born May 13, 2002, in Hartford, Connecticut, Jayden always knew he was passionate about dancing. In Bloomfield Connecticut, Jayden actively participates on a dance team, that has been ranked the “#1 dance team in Connecticut for the 5th year in a row”. When asked who his inspirations are, he payed tribute to his grandfather and his friends, and stated that, “they push me to be better.”

Although his main goal was to fulfill his credit requirement, Jayden still expresses an interest in Journalism. He stated that he, “like[s] investigating and interviewing people.” As charismatic as he is, this class is perfect for Jayden because he enjoys getting to know others.

All content by Jayden Chan