Mahalia Wilson, Editor
Mahalia Wilson is a 17 year old senior at Hall High school. She lived in Jamaica for most of her life, having only just moved to Connecticut in September of 2017. When asked what is was like living in Jamaica, Mahalia expressed that is was more easy-going there, school included, which she finds to be more difficult in the U.S. In addition, when asked if she plays any sports, she mentioned netball; a Jamaican sport “a lot like basketball, except you can’t move with the ball”.
The decision to enroll in journalism was not a hard one for Mahalia, as she enjoys “writing, but about things that matter”. A description that, in my opinion, perfectly encapsulates journalism. She was inspired by the movie trailers about journalism that we watched, and gained a new understanding about the importance and intensity of the occupation. She now describes Journalism as her favorite class and is looking forward to the rest of the semester.
Despite her love for writing, Mahalia is pursuing a career in nursing due to her interest in science and helping others. Her ability to help people is confirmed by her peers, who would describe her as someone who is good at giving advice. I asked her what advice she would give to a fellow student, and she said ,“nothing comes easy in life, you have to work hard for what you want”