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Hall Record

Hall Record

Photo of Noah LaPlante

Noah LaPlante, Editor

Future star screen-writer Noah LaPlante took some time to sit with me, fellow HallRecord staff member Matt Walker, and discuss his past, present, and future career, goals, and idols, and motivation for staying focused!

Q: How would you describe yourself using a word or phrase? Explain. 

A: I suppose I would say determine as my attribute. Whenever I’m being tested or questioned my work ethic comes through. I’m just a determined guy, I like just working on myself.

Q: Who do you look up to the most in life? Explain. 

A: I’d say since I want to be a writer id look up to some of the best writers of today like Aaron Sorkin or other screenwriters such as Steven Spielberg as well as most of the iconic ones that made a timeless mark. Those men and women who have the ability to create everlasting messages are just amazing.

Q: What is a long term goal of yours? Explain

A: Just to become a better writer when it comes to writing stories. Movie wise or book-wise or journalism wise I would be able to discover the truth or make something entertaining and inspiring, something in that ballpark.

Q: When do you plan on accomplishing this goal? Explain. 

A: I’d say throughout college I want to be able to probably test myself to see how well I’m doing with the education I got to help me do that. Throughout my young life just staying determined on being focused on my dreams until I can achieve them. 

Q: Why is that a goal of yours? Explain

A: I’d say mostly because I’ve always been interested in the news and focusing on current events. Usually, those current events reflect whatever stories are made at the time that reflect messages that allow us to learn more about those current events. I’ve thought this really taught me a lot and I want to be able to do that for the future generations and just be able to give back the way and teach the way I’ve been taught.

Q: Where did you grow up and do you think that influenced the person you are today? Explain.  

A: I grew up in West Hartford, Connecticut a very New England area, and I think that’s taught me something of how much it is to be in a bubble and how much it is to be isolated. Especially now It can be crazy once you go out into the world. I also have had the opportunity to been able to go to schools in more diverse places like Hartford, where I’ve learned a lot about other cultures and other people, and the stories they’re able to tell that I am not. It’s definitely taught me how finite I am and able to see other people and obviously the acceptance of other people whether it’s their beliefs or religion.


All content by Noah LaPlante