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The Student News Site of Hall High School

Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

Sébastien Brand

Sébastien Brand, Editor

Senior Sébastien Brand participates in fencing and is part of the school’s acting and singing departments. With his involvement at school, Sébastien has a lot of insight on Hall which he hopes to use to reach his peers.

Q: What do you want to do in the future?

A: My goal is to go to college for computer science. When my mind thinks of programs that can help make the world run smoother and make it a better place–that sounds like something that I want to do with my life, helping others by doing it in a tech-based way.

Q: Why did you take journalism?

A: I took this class because it seems like something that could help me get used to communicating with other people which seems useful. In general, no matter what career path you’re going into, knowing how to talk to someone in a formal manner is going to help.

Q: What events do you care about and want to report on?

A: Something that I’d like to see reported are activities that happen at Hall–that aren’t just sports–because I think stuff like course scheduling is not reported enough. A lot of people make choices that they’ll regret and then they can’t change it because they think it’s become too late. I think that’s kind of a big issue.

(This interview was edited for length and clarity.)

All content by Sébastien Brand