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The Student News Site of Hall High School

Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

Picture taken at random field after picnic

Emily Martin, Editor

Take a look into the life of Emily Martin: 17 year old tennis player, foster care advocate, and aspiring journalist.

Q: Who do you look up to the most?

A: Serena Williams, fantastic athlete.

Q: Any specific reason?

A: I play tennis just like her. She’s an inspiration on and off the court. I love that she uses her platform to spread positivity.

Q: What’s your biggest fear?

A: Probably memory loss.

Q: Did that stem from anywhere specific?

A: I don’t want to forget anyone when I’m older, especially my family and other people close to me. That’s really sad.

Q: Why did you choose to take this class?

A: I’m really interested in journalism. I thought it would be an interesting class to take due to the current political climate.

Q: How do you want to make a change in the world?

A: I would like to make in impact on girls in foster care that don’t have a strong mother figure.


All content by Emily Martin