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Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

Sitting in Journalism Period 2

Gordon Yang, Editor

Gordon Yang grew up in the small town of Muskegon, Michigan. He moved to Connecticut in the fourth grade and attended Bugbee elementary school. When asked to describe himself, he said “organized” because of usually being on top of completing all assigned work. He is a good student and has gone on to win awards including joining the national honor society. Today the 17-year-old lives in West Hartford, Connecticut with his grandparents and sister.

Gordon hopes to pursue a career in a computer-related field more specifically “game design and computer science”. Taking AP Computer Science at Hall High School was an important decision to further expand his knowledge on his interest. The passion for the things Gordon enjoys shows though actions when he participates in various after school activities such as art, chess and programming club.

The reason he chose to be in Journalism class is because of the enjoyment in writing about current topics happening around the world. “I want my work to be read and published to the world,” he said when asked about choosing an English class. Gordon also believes in the importance of staying informed on topics that could affect our everyday lives. For him, Journalism class is a good way of improving his writing and grammar skills.

All content by Gordon Yang