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The Student News Site of Hall High School

Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

BIG H as Hall High

Michael Mack, editor

Michael Mack, a senior at Hall, plans to write about science and mental health, and strives to become a Science teacher.

Q: Who is someone you look up to?

A: “Probably my grandparents. They’re like always telling me good things in life, like to pay attention and be careful.”


Q: What are you most proud of?

A: “Being four months away from graduating. I would also probably say accomplishing getting into college and finishing school. I’m going to Albertus Magnus College to swim and study Special Education.”


Q:What do you hope to write about in Journalism?

A: “Things that I am interested about. Like mental health and science because I’ll be a science teacher and I think mental health is important.”

All content by Michael Mack