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Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

This is me on spring vacation in Clearwater Beach, Florida.

Talia Sortman, Editor

Talia Sortman, a passionate and well rounded student athlete, strives to pursue journalism her senior year in order to make a difference in the hall high school community

What’s your name and pronouns? 

My name is Talia Sortman and my pronouns are she/her. 

Who inspires you to pursue journalism? 

The person who inspires me the most to pursue journalism is Mrs. Fransen, because she’s so adamant about using your own voice, voicing your own opinions and having strong character by expressing your personality through journalism. 

What do you hope to educate or inform readers about? 

I’d like to educate readers about different issues that have been prominent throughout the school. One being advocating for equality within the girls highschool athletics teams. I’d like to have a voice supporting that because I’m a 2 sport varsity athlete here and I feel that it is important that girls’ sports are equally supported.

What does journalism mean to you? 

Journalism means voicing your own opinions and really standing your ground. It means writing about things from your own perspective and really putting an opinion out there in writing form that you might be afraid to when you’re talking about an issue. 

Why is journalism important in modern society? 

I think it’s important in modern society because it’s almost a way of exposure into the inside that some people might not see from an outside standpoint. It keeps you up to date politically with all the current events. So it’s super important in today’s day and age. 

How do you think you can improve The Hall Record? 

I think I can do my part in creating stories that are truthful and that don’t mask reality, but use evidence and kind of just stand my ground and provide my opinion about things through this class. I want to be a truthful, honest, courageous and passionate writer. 

What subjects are you passionate about and hope to cover and why? 

I’m super passionate about the subject of psychology because I think it’s super interesting to learn about why humans act the way we do. I could use that to undermine a bunch of the writing that I’ll be doing in this class and explain why people are acting certain ways and like why it’s important to be studying for tests, like if I was doing a story about exams coming up or whatnot.

All content by Talia Sortman