A Family’s Mark on a Teen’s Life

Family, Parents, Guardians.  These people and relationships have such an influence on teens’ lives.   Being able to share my news with family knowing I’ll get only the most supportive reactions has given me a feeling of pride.  Unfortunately with covid seeing extended family has been very difficult, however it makes facetimes all the more special.  Smiling.  Just looking at the faces of the people in the second photo shows how even just the company of one another can make someone’s night special.  People who lack these relationships will never understand the warmth provided by loved ones.  And finally, the last photo shows generational love between my mother and her mother.  My grandmother’s face shows compassion, but also strength, reassuring her motherly role and continuous comfort.  It is so important for them to be involved in the key age of development for a person, especially being given the title of family.