The Struggles of Every Student

Many people always discuss student life in school, especially those who are impacted by it most directly. Whether it is about the constant discussion of grades, complaining about a certain teacher or groaning over an overload of homework, school is almost guaranteed to come into the conversation. People take sides, either supporting the education system as it is or rebelling against it. But what exactly makes the student life so tiresome? Is there more underneath the surface of excess amounts of homework and endless amounts of studying? Every student faces difficult challenges based on their situation, but there are ones that are constant among the masses of children who attend school everyday. Everyday turns out to be a struggle, just pushing forward to complete the same tasks over and over again. Many begin to lose the drive to succeed, and it’s not difficult to see why. Whether it be staying up in the late hours at night just to finish that last assignment or having to sacrifice your social life for your grades, every student has their struggles. These pictures dive headfirst into the frontier that is an average student’s life and the challenges they face on a daily basis. It is such an important topic that applies to many people across not only this town, this state or this country, but the whole world.