Capstone During Covid: A Shifting Landscape for Artists
While scoping out other areas for photos, Chelsea Licata coincidentally poses near the Stegosaurus statue by the Wadsworth.
In the time of covid, there is an unfortunate, pressing issue impacting a subgroup of students/professionals that has gone undiscussed in the media and in school conversations. This issue is prevalent among art students, an under-the-radar group. While they normally gain from collaboration, socialization, and even structure, the lack of these formerly reliable benefits has changed the process of creating new work.
This project is the perfect example of changing times for artists. In times of social distancing and minimal contact, basic inspiration has been diminished for many. Both writers have struggled through Graphics Capstone and AP Studio Art, racking their brains for ideas and plans to carry those ideas out. Nevertheless, time continues to pass and they’re forced to move forward.
The process of Capstone projects has changed a bit this year. Without typical sources of inspiration, as well as full classes and resources, many years-old ideas are nearly impossible to actually create. In the project depicted in these images, they weren’t able to collaborate much at all in person, only exchanging texts and vague plans for execution. Chelsea’s pieces have been made on her own at home, as opposed to in class or surrounded by friends. Graphics Capstone is generally a free-flowing, individual-centered class targeted toward students who want to further pursue artistic/technological careers and projects. Not having the ability to share ideas and work together slows this creative flow and even produces lower quality products. This specific shoot took several weeks to plan, and another to actually execute and finalize.
Creating simply isn’t the same when done alone on a laptop in a dark bedroom. While planning can be done instantly while daydreaming or sketching, final products have been more challenging. Throughout the year, some Capstone students have only been able to complete 3-5 projects, which may be done in a different medium than they’d prefer. The experience has been fundamentally different, and leaves some feeling unprepared for post-graduation endeavors.