Hall Record

Chelsea Licata

Chelsea Licata, editor

Chelsea is a senior at Hall High School, a fashion lover, and aspiring marketing major. Although she has no prior journalism experience, she has a descriptive writing style and is open to investigating many topics in journalism this semester.

Q: If you could describe yourself as a writer in a few words, what would they be?

A: I like creative writing a lot, more than I like essay writing. I definitely think I’m a more descriptive writer, that’s what I’m good at.


Q: Have you always enjoyed writing? What are your favorite topics to write about?

A: I guess I have always enjoyed writing, I definitely liked it more when I was little. I don’t know, I like writing about whatever. I don’t really write outside of school, so whatever I’m writing about in school.


Q: If you have writer’s block, what are some methods you use to overcome it or better focus yourself?

A: Usually, I just don’t write, I just do it another time. Yeah, I just take a little break.


Q: If you were to become a journalist in the future, what city would you want to live in?

A: Probably Paris, because if I was going to be a writer I would want to write about fashion.


Q: If you could interview any celebrity past or present, who would it be?

A: Harry Styles, I love him.

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Chelsea Licata