A New View


Coming to another country was one of the most important events of my life. I faced many challenges, obstacles, and difficulties throughout my experience, but there were also positive outcomes I got from getting out of my comfort zone (Brazil). I learned new ways to live a better and good life without feeling so afraid and was able to explore new places, people, and things.

America has a whole different culture, language, and costumes. Sometimes I still have trouble deciding which food I like the most because I was used to eating Brazilian food, but, throughout these years, I have gotten used to the traditional American food. I was able to have access to desserts I have never seen before and it was amazing. Another thing would be that I learned I could walk outside during the day or evening to go to a nearby park or trail to just enjoy the view without feeling anxious or scared of something bad happening to me.

I learned how to be more social with people. I felt welcomed in schools and there was a lot of support for me because I speak another language. I also learned I could reach out to other people if someone couldn’t help me.  And now that I am accustomed, I can help other people who are new to this friendly and welcoming country!