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Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

Picture of Bruno Da Silveira Santos against Conard High School durring the 2022-2023 school year

Bruno Da Silveira Santos, Editor

Bruno is a snappy dresser come game days, taking football and journalism seriously.

Q:  How long have you been playing football?

A:  I started about eight years ago, in sixth grade.  Over the years, I’ve played every position on the offensive line.  Coach trusts me to sub in anywhere should there be injuries or someone is tired.

Q:  What other skills does football give you?

A:  Trust is one.  I’ve learned to trust others to help me and themselves in need.  Leadership is another, as sometimes I have to be the one who demands hard work and good execution.

Q:  How will this help you in journalism?

A: No one will speak to me if I’m not trustworthy as a journalist.  Also, if I don’t hold my sources accountable, they might not give me the necessary answers.

Q:  What are you most interested in writing about?

A:  I’m interested in the morning traffic.  The whole parking lot is a big concern.  It’s very messy, and I’d like to see what we can do about it.  People enter the exit, and parents drop kids off in odd spots; it’s genuinely unsafe.  Then there’s the fact that Ms. Fransen is a stickler for tardiness.

All content by Bruno Da Silveira Santos