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Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record Profile

Julia Baun, Editor

Meet 17 year old Julia Baun, a multi-talented individual who spends her spare time painting and running. She pushes past any obstacle to achieve what she wants, and journalism is the newest edition to her record.

Q: So Julia, once high school ends, is there anything that you have planned?
A: Actually, yes. I’m applying to multiple different colleges for graphic design, since art has always been an outlet for me.
Q: So, art is something that you are pretty passionate about. Do you have any other passions?
A: I’ve done cross country for a long time, so I enjoy running. I also enjoy ice hockey: I used to play for a club but now I mostly play pick-up pond hockey in the winter.
Q: Finally, is there a childhood memory that has influenced who you are today?
A: I believe that running has shaped a large part of who I am today; I have a breathing condition that makes running difficult, and it has been a struggle throughout high school. To me, running isn’t just about hitting the right splits or getting the best time, it’s about just wanting to keep running.

All content by Julia Baun