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The Student News Site of Hall High School

Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

Nick Udell

Nick Udell, Editor

Nick Udell is a senior at Hall High School who enjoys hanging out with friends and participating in sports.  He is interested in writing about current events, things that affect the school, and sports.

Q: What things will you write about on Hall Record?

A: I feel like I’m going to dabble in a lot of stuff, current events, some things that affect the school, and sports.

Q: Where do you hope to be in 10 years?

A: I don’t like answering these questions because I just like to go with the flow. But if I had to give an answer, I hope to have a job, a nice house, and most of my goals met.

Q: What is your favorite news source?

A: My favorite news source is Instagram or Apple News. I like these two platforms because I think they aren’t very opinionated or one sided. They’re pretty neutral.

Q: What is your favorite thing about Hall?

A. My favorite thing about Hall is is just the community. We’ve got some great people here and I’ve made a lot of life-long friends here that support me and who I can turn to all the time, giving Hall that more family feel.

All content by Nick Udell