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Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

Liv in Cape Cod on vacation!

Olivia Wollner

Olivia Wollner, student athlete and teaching assistant, is excited to indulge in the world of news in order to learn more about Journalism, and make news a bigger part of her life.

Q: Where do you get most of your news from?

A: The New York Times, [my family] used to get a physical copy at my house, but I don't think we get that anymore, so now I just get it on my phone. Otherwise, I get it from Hartford Current.

Q: What are you most excited to write about?

A: I am most excited to write about news outside of school and bring things to the attention of the Hall community, and I also am looking forward to talking about classes or the school in order to help younger students navigate their year first few years.

Q: What are you looking to get out of this class?

A: I’m really interested in Journalism because it is so important in all of our lives. So, I want to get tips, more information, I hope to learn a lot of different ways to use news in my life outside of school, information that I wouldn’t know otherwise.

Q: Who do you think inspires you most, in general?

A: My sister, because we go through life in the very same way, sometimes it's easier to compare things with her, kinda go off of what she does, and help myself in that way. My parents also inspire me to be creative and try new things, because they are both Graphic Designers.

All content by Olivia Wollner