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The Student News Site of Hall High School

Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

This picture is me in my backyard smiling for the camera on an average summer day.

Steve Nwachukwu, Editor

Steve Nwachukwu,17, is a high school senior in a small town in Connecticut. He talks about his current interests and future aspirations.

Q: Why did you decide to take journalism? 

A: I decided to take this class because for a while I would read the Hall Record in my free time, and I wanted to be apart of that. I also thought it would be interesting. 

Q: What are your favorite hobbies outside of school? 

A: I like watching YouTube, going outside, and watching classic  cartoons like from Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon. Some of my favorite YouTubers are Kyle Exum, CalebCity, Lenarr Young, Tailosive Tech, and EverythingApplePro.

Q: What’s your favorite subject in school? 

A: I like math, but my favorite would be the class I’m currently taking called Computer Technology, I really like it.

Q: Earlier you mentioned math and computer technology, could you see that as a future career choice? 

A:  Yes, my dream job would be a software developer, working for a decent  company.

All content by Steve Nwachukwu