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Hall Record

Hall Record

Hall Record

Duncan Hollander

Duncan Hollander

Duncan Hollander is a senior at Hall High School who plays Hockey and Lacrosse and is interested in journalism. In this interview, he explains more about himself.

Q:Why did you take this class?

A: I enjoy writing, and this class seemed to be an interesting class to fill my english requirement.


Q: How did you hear of journalism?

A: Reading articles of topics I’m interested in. 


Q:Why do you think it is important to stay current with journalism articles?

A: Yes, it is good to stay current with the news and events so you can understand whats going on in society and the world.


Q: What are your passions?

A: I enjoy sports and hanging with friends.


Q:Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

A: Hopefully working at a job that I like.


All content by Duncan Hollander